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Banner of HHS Announcements with Hawk Logo and Maroon Background

Wednesday, January 22nd

Today's Announcements

  • Need a weekend treat? All-day Saturday, Dutch Bros will be donating $1 from every drink sold back to Make-A-Wish Colorado and our Wish Week! No need to mention Make-A-Wish. Just pick up a drink or two at Dutch Bros on Colorado Blvd. That's right down the street!
  • Seniors Seniors Seniors- Don't forget TODAY the 22nd is another day of SENIOR STUFF- SENIOR PANO PIC check in is at 7:45-8:00 through athletic lobby. Picture at 8:00. You also have a very important SENIOR meeting where we talk all things graduation Today at 2:40pm in the auditorium, Senior Superlative Nominations, Nominating Teacher Speakers for graduation and making it to the finish line! BE PLAN ON ATTENDING AS IT IS MANDATORY. Future Forward students you will be excused to attend this senior meeting! Please plan accordingly. 

Previous Announcements

Register to Vote!

  • Students, are you 16 or older and want to register to vote?
  • If so, please see Mr. Tonjes in the Main Office and get registered today!

Adams County Health Commission

  • Do you want an opportunity to help your community and make a positive impact? The Adams County Health Commission is for you! 
  • With meetings online only once every 2 weeks(currently) it won’t interrupt your life and you can work at your own pace. 
  • We will work on the vaping epidemic, teen drug use, teen alcohol consumption, mental health, the sugary beverage project and more! 
  • This is a great way to give back to your community. 
  • Email Mrs. Fleeman or Reilly King from Northglenn High School for more information and scheduling a listen in on a meeting!

Deans' Office Announcements

  • Passing periods are designed for locker use, restroom breaks, water breaks and moving from class to class while quickly saying hi to friends.

  • Leaving the classroom during instruction and activities is disruptive to the learning environment and is a distraction to others.

  • Asking to leave your classes should be minimal, not every class period and with teacher approval. 

  • When you leave a class during class-time, you need a pass each time when you enter the hallway.

  • Students CANNOT spend off hours near the auditorium entrance.
    That is NOT an off-hour location.  It is sad that students have been going there and dumping their lunches there, not picking up their trash, and thinking that is okay.  That is NOT Hawk PRIDE.  
  • If you are not locking up your scooter, bike, or skateboard, please know that the school cannot help you when it is stolen.  You will need to report it to law enforcement.  Again, If you are going to bring a scooter, bike, or skateboard to school, it must be locked up in the courtyard area otherwise, they are at risk of being stolen.   
  • Students help us take P.R.I.D.E. If you notice vandalism taking place around the school please report it. We do offer cash rewards for information that leads to the identification of vandals. So if you see something say something!


NO PARKING - East Lot, Near Mobiles

Students, please do not park in the East lot located near the mobiles. You will be ticketed and fined. 
This parking lot is for our Bright Horizons preschool families who have pick up and drop-off throughout the day. 

LMC Access & Hall Reminders

Students as a reminder there is no access to the Library from the student center during the class period. You must go to the library at the start of the period.

You may leave the library to go to the student center but not return to the library. Students are expected to be in an approved location when the bell rings. 

The approved areas are: 

  • Your Classroom
  • Library (LMC)
  • Student Center
  • Courtyard

No loitering in the halls or restrooms on your off hour. 

Reminders while Driving on Campus

  • Students when driving on campus please stay on the roads marked to drive on and stay off any unmarked roads on campus.

  • If you are caught driving on areas not marked to drive on you can potentially lose your parking and driving privileges on campus along with being referred to the school Resource Officer to be ticketed.

  • Please drive on the roads designated to enter and exit campus only and stay off the native grass and dirt areas around the north side of the school.

  • Please be patient when entering and exiting campus and remember to please be considerate of those also trying to enter and exit the building daily.

  1. Outside campus access is limited to the courtyard. Students are not allowed to walk around the building, hang out in parking lots or in their cars.
  2. Students returning from 7-11 make sure you enter through the front main entrance doors, there is no access through the mobile entry.
  3. Please be aware that Students cannot park in the Fine Arts / Kitchen Staff parking spots in the Junior lot. These spots are reserved for staff members. Thank you.